Hello, from Jack & Birdie's Little Lagomorphs!
We just wanted to give an update to all of our beloved bunny family's & let
you know what is happening over here at Jack & Birdie's Little Lagomorphs!
*Available! *Holland Lop Broken Orange Buck (male) date of birth January 14th, 2024 parents Maxine + Wallace Our Fuzzy Broken Orange fella Willard is so handsome. Broken Orange is one our favorite bunny colors and with his fun-loving personality we honestly can't get enough of this bun bun! Someone snatch this fella up quick before we decide to keep him fur-ever! This cute fella is fuzzy which will require a bit more grooming than a typical Holland Lop but the one on one time allowing a special bond to develop between you & your new bun bun is so wonderful. While Willard does not like being picked up (most bun buns do not enjoy being picked up, as prey animals they like their thumpers on the ground) he sure does love snuggling up after he's tuckered out from hopping & binkying about! We truly adore this adorable boy! Ready to join his fur-ever home NOW! |
* Please Note *
We understand it can be quite frustrating to some of our
bunny families for us to grow-out and or keep the cutest bunnies
and in your favorite bunny colors too!
However, for us to continue to provide our bunny families with the best quality (including health, temperament, type, color, eye color, ect.) bun buns it is an absolute necessity. We truly appreciate your understanding, patience, & trust to provide you & your family with a little Holland Lop bun bun from us here at Jack & Birdie's Little Lagomorphs.
Baby Bunny Dumplings are in the making!
We are on pins & needles as we anxiously await
the arrival of our newest baby buns!
Holland Lop Bunny Babes Are Coming Soon!
We are expecting a rainbow of colors
& a few Fuzzy Holland Lops too!
Fingers crossed for little Blue - Eyed baby buns!
If you would like to add one of our Holland Lop Bunnies to your
family please make sure you apply to join Our Waiting List to save
a Holland Lop Bunny baby for you & your family. Please tell us a
little bit about yourself & what type of bunny you would like by
filling out the information on Our Waiting List page.
family please make sure you apply to join Our Waiting List to save
a Holland Lop Bunny baby for you & your family. Please tell us a
little bit about yourself & what type of bunny you would like by
filling out the information on Our Waiting List page.
Anna + Houdini
Only one of Anna's darling little loves is still Available at the moment, one beautiful little Blue-Eyed White Fuzzy bunny, she looks like a tiny little snowball! Anna's little munchkin will be able to join her fur-ever homes Now!
*You may always watch all of our bun buns grow in photos and little videos on our Instagram account @jackandbirdie if you are not following us on Instagram give us follow!*
*You may always watch all of our bun buns grow in photos and little videos on our Instagram account @jackandbirdie if you are not following us on Instagram give us follow!*
Check out our bunnies to adopt page to see these adorable little loves!
In Other Bunny News
Unfortunately, our girls seemed to have missed,
the mouse didn't take the bait so to speak.
So, we went back to the drawing board.
Our girls recently had a few hot dates! We lit the candles, carefully
placed rose petals & raspberry leaves down, put on the best of Barry White,
& crossed our fingers!
Hopefully, the mouse took the bait this time! Only time will tell!
Fingers crossed for new little loves Winter - Spring 2023 - 2024!
Now for our exciting news!
We have a new buck!
Murray was born here, the son of Lulu + Gus. Murray is a beautiful Broken Chinchilla Buck and he is oh so sweet! Murray adores attention, pets, head scratches, cuddles, and he gives kisses too. We are over the moon with this handsome sweetheart!
We are beyond excited to add our very own homegrown bun bun to our bunny tribe, herd! We believe Murray is going to be a game changer for us, helping us improve on our future bun buns!
We will be adding photos of our new addition
to our website so please keep a lookout!
We will also be making an official announcement
on our Instagram account @jackandbirdie very soon!
We have a new buck!
Murray was born here, the son of Lulu + Gus. Murray is a beautiful Broken Chinchilla Buck and he is oh so sweet! Murray adores attention, pets, head scratches, cuddles, and he gives kisses too. We are over the moon with this handsome sweetheart!
We are beyond excited to add our very own homegrown bun bun to our bunny tribe, herd! We believe Murray is going to be a game changer for us, helping us improve on our future bun buns!
We will be adding photos of our new addition
to our website so please keep a lookout!
We will also be making an official announcement
on our Instagram account @jackandbirdie very soon!
WOOHOO, bunnies are Available Now!
Hop over to our Bunnies to Adopt page
& reserve a Baby Bunny for you & your family!
In Other Bunny News!
We have a few New Herd Members!
We recently took a little trip to North Florida to
pick-up a few new additions to our little bunny herd
who hail all the way from Tennessee! Two
handsome Bucks & and three gorgeous girls!
We haven't settled on their names just yet as we like to
get to know our bun buns personalities before deciding
on names for our Hollands. We are smitten absolutely
over the moon about these beautiful bunnies!
We are thrilled to be adding
some new colors to our little herd!
We will be adding photos of our new additions
to our website so please keep a lookout!
We will also be making an official announcement
on our Instagram account @jackandbirdie very soon!
One Week Old
Join Our Winter Waiting List!
Reservations open February 14th, 2024 for these adorable
little beans and ready to join their new fur-ever home
mid - late March 2024.
Sneak Peek below
If you would like to add one of our Holland Lop Bunnies to your family please make sure you apply to join Our Waiting List to save a Holland Lop Bunny baby for you. Please tell us a little bit about yourself & what type of bunny you would like by filling out the information on Our Waiting List page.
Much Love,
Jack & Birdie's Little Lagomorphs
Much Love,
Jack & Birdie's Little Lagomorphs
Meet Willie!Willard aka 'Willie' was born here, he is son of Maxine + Wallace. Willie is a handsome fuzzy Broken Orange Buck, broken Orange is! Willie reminds us so much of his Papa Bun Bowie always following one of us around the house, much like a new little pup does. We are absolutely smitten with this little hunk of love! Can't wait to see ! Our Fuzzy Broken Orange fella Willard is so handsome. Broken Orange is one our favorite bunny colors and with his fun-loving personality we honestly can't get enough of this bun bun! Someone snatch this fella up quick before we decide to keep him fur-ever! This cute fella is fuzzy which will require a bit more grooming than a typical Holland Lop but the one on one time allowing a special bond to develop between you & your new bun bun is so wonderful. While Willard does not like being picked up (most bun buns do not enjoy being picked up, as prey animals they like their thumpers on the ground) he sure does love snuggling up after he's tuckered out from hopping & binkying about! We truly adore this adorable boy!
photo by Jack & Birdie's Little Lagomorphs
Wasn't Willie just the cutest little baby bun?! |
We have a New Herd Buck!
Everyone meet our handsome little hunk, Wallace!
Wallace is a Papa!
we have little Wallace bunny babes, four to be
exact! One little Black Tort, one Broken Black Tort, one Orange, & one Broken Orange. We are absulotley thrilled to watch these teenies grow!
Hop over to our Bunnies To Adopt Page to see our Available Baby Bunnies!
Winter & Spring 2024-2025 baby bunny dumplings arriving soon!
We are so excited to welcome our new Holland Lop bunny babes.
Can't wait to see those chubby beans! We are literally
on pins & needles awaiting our new arrivals.
We are so excited to welcome our new Holland Lop bunny babes.
Can't wait to see those chubby beans! We are literally
on pins & needles awaiting our new arrivals.
If you would like to add one of our adorable Baby Hollands
to your family Join Our Waiting List!
You can watch all of our bunny babes grow in photos and little videos on our Instagram page @jackandbirdie so if aren't following us please give us a follow!
And we also have two Retiring Holland Lops Available Now!
We only have two bun buns ready to retire & live out their lives
as spoiled house bunnies so if you and your family
are interested in adding an older Holland Lop to your family
check out our Available Now Page!
If you are interested in adding one of our available now bunnies to your family please apply below!
We are so over the moon about these gorgeous chonk!
We just adore him so much!
Meet Our Little Grow - Outs!
We are absolutely in love with this little sweetheart!
photo by Jack & Birdie's Little Lagomorphs
Lula is the daughter of our sweet & sassy Momma Bun Lulu, hence the name Lula. She is such a darling little bun and her name totally fits her. We have decided to keep litte Lula for the time being to watch her grow out/grow up to help build our little bunny herd!
how long it takes to provide you & your family with a new bunny
We understand that several of you & your families have been on Our Waiting List for a few months. We truly appreciate your patience & trust in us to provide you with your special Bunny/Bunnies.
Please note that Mother Nature is always in charge we do our very best to work with Her!
The length of time it takes to provide you with your special Bunny/Bunnies:
- Once successful breeding takes place pregnancy is 28-32 days.
- Once bunny/bunnies are born they stay with their Momma Bun for 6-8 weeks depending on the bunny.
- Once bunny/bunnies are 6-8 weeks old we begin weaning. Proper weaning can take 2-3 weeks depending on the bunny.
- Once a bunny/bunnies have been properly weaned from their Momma Bun for 2 weeks then they will be able to join their fur-ever homes.
We do our very best to help make this process only 8-10 weeks long (sometimes it might take longer).
If you are on Our Waiting List once a bunny is available that matches your preferences we will contact you via email. You will have 12 hours to respond & reserve that bunny for you & your family before we move on to the next bunny family on Our Waiting List.
Once we have reached out to everyone on Our Waiting List and we still have bunnies available our available bunnies will be adopted first come first serve.
* Please Note*
We have first choice to any bunny/bunnies born here at Jack & Birdie's Little Lagomorphs & we will have keepers from some of our litters born here at Jack & Birdie's Little Lagomorphs to help build our little bunny tribe/herd!
Please understand while we have carefully planned our upcoming litters Mother Nature is always in charge & plans can change. We truly appreciate your patience in waiting for your beloved bunny from us! Hopefully, very soon we will have a bunny babe for you & your family!
would you like to add a Holland Lop bunny to your family?
Apply to join Our Waiting List for a Holland Lop Bunny!
If you would like to add one of our Holland Lop Bunnies to your family please make sure you apply to join Our Waiting List to save a Holland Lop Bunny baby for you. Please tell us a little bit about yourself & what type of bunny you would like by filling out the information on Our Waiting List page.
Much Love,
Jack & Birdie's Little Lagomorphs
Much Love,
Jack & Birdie's Little Lagomorphs
follow along
with us on our
Bunny Journey!
Holland Lops / Holland Lop / Holland Lop Baby Bunnies for Sale / Holland Lop Baby Bunny for Sale / Bunny for Sale / Bunnies for Sale / Bunny for Adoption / Bunnies for Adoption / Cute Baby Bunny / Cute Baby Bunnies / Cutest Bunny / Cutest Bunnies / Cutest Baby Bunny / Rabbit for Sale / Rabbits for Sale / Baby Rabbit for Sale / Baby Rabbits for Sale / Rabbit for Adoption / Rabbits for Adoption / Baby Rabbit for Adoption / Baby Rabbits for Adoption / Pet Bunny / Pet Baby Bunny / Pet Baby Bunnies / Bunny Pet / Baby Bunny Pet / Baby Bunnies Pet / Pet Rabbit / Pet Rabbits / Pet Baby Rabbit / Pet Baby Rabbits / Rabbit Pet / Baby Rabbit Pet / Bunnies for Sale in Central Florida / Bunny for Sale in Central Florida / Baby Bunnies for Sale in Central Florida / Bunnies for Sale in Central Florida / Baby Bunny for Sale in Central Florida / Holland Lop Bunny for Sale in Central Florida / Holland Lop Baby Bunny for Sale in Central Florida / Holland Lop Bunnies for Sale in Central Florida / Holland Lop Baby Bunnies for Sale in Central Florida / Bunnies for Sale in Florida / Bunny for Sale in Florida / Baby Bunnies for Sale in Florida / Bunnies for Sale in Florida / Baby Bunny for Sale in Florida / Holland Lop Bunny for Sale in Florida / Holland Lop Baby Bunny for Sale in Florida / Holland Lop Bunnies for Sale in Florida / Holland Lop Baby Bunnies for Sale in Florida / Jack & Birdie's Little Lagomorphs
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